
Increasing research capacities in Tallinn regarding new human rights acknowledged and debated since the dawn of the 21st century. It will establish TLU Law School as an innovative voice in human rights law discourse and the leading Baltic institution in the field on an international level.

Description of work

Since the end of the 20th century, human rights discourse has brought up a sizeable number of “new” human rights, such as indigenous rights, reproduction rights or the “right to be forgotten” on the Internet. The origins of such rights, the functions of the rhetoric of rights and the role such “new” rights can play in the field of human rights law – these are questions still awaiting research in legal scholarship. WP4 will focus on 20 human rights newly acknowledged or debated since the dawn of the 21st century. These will be divided into the following categories: rights related to identity and personality; rights to well-being; rights related to the exercise of public authority; rights related to new technologies. By leading research in this field and bringing together experts from all over the world, TLU will emerge as a major innovative research institution and connect with relevant centres of human rights research worldwide (networking). WP4 is centring on an international conference in Tallinn in September 2017 (Task 4.2; 5.3) the results of which shall be published in 2018 in a book with a leading international publishing house (Task 4.3). A workshop in Kiel in September 2016 (Task 4.1) in close cooperation between the partners will prepare for the conference.